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Depression is unfortunately very common.  Most people will experience a spell of depression at some point in their lives.  For some it will only last a short while for others it can remain for months, possibly recurring over the years.

Signs of Depression Include:

Prolonged (more than 2 weeks) low mood

Difficulty sleeping

Change in appetite

Loss of interest in activities

Loss of interest in relationships

Negative thinking

Feeling hopeless and helpless

Feeling guilty or worthless

Difficulty concentrating

Physical aches and pains

Loss of sex drive

Thoughts about death and suicide

Self harm

The list makes for pretty depressing reading doesn't it? If you're going through depression right now I know it is a debilitating and often scary place to be.  

The good news is you can come through the other side, you can experience pleasure again.

Your first port of call is your GP.  Let them give your physical health an MOT.  There are many illness, vitamin and mineral deficiencies which can contribute to depression and can be treated easily.

Once any physical causes have been addressed it is time to start finding ways to help yourself.

Here's a brief list of some things that can improve your mood and overall well-being.

Social contact - make a point of spending time with others even if you don't feel like it.

Exercise- great for boosting feel good chemicals in the body, exercise outside in the fresh air is even better.

Do a few household chores-sound odd, but it can give a sense of satisfaction knowing that at least one thing is done.

Eat fresh fruit and veg and lean protein -  a good diet is vital for essential nutrients and amino acids so that you're cells form properly and keep you healthy in body and mind.

Relaxation- Being depressed is exhausting and stressful, take some time to do something that relaxes you. Try a hypnosis cd/app, take a bath, practice a few minutes of meditation, read an uplifting book.

If you feel you need more help, or help to try some of these tips, a counsellor like myself can guide and support you.  I offer a caring, accepting environment for you to share your feelings and help you on your way to recovery.

If you are feeling suicidal call a support line for immediate support.

Breathing Space 0800 83 85 87

Samaritans  08457 90 90 90


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